Kiekens > Desuperheaters > Multi Nozzle Spray
The Kiekens Multi Nozzle Spray (MNS) Desuperheater (Attemperator) is suitable for use in VHP/HP/MP/LP steam pressure applications. The stainless-steel version of the MNS is often deployed in processes that involve extreme cold gases like cryogenic LNG. This versatile Desuperheater is custom designed and built and can easily be harmonized with other parts of your installation.
The Kiekens Multiple Nozzle Spray (MNS) Desuperheater / Attemperator controls the steam temperature by regulating the cooling water flow through a variable number of spray nozzles in operation.
They key feature of the Attemperator is an integrated water control valve, with attemperator spray nozzle, which obtains a stable conditioned desuperheated steam flow temperature against a negligible steam side pressure drop.
The Kiekens Multi Nozzle Spray Desuperheater controls steam temperature by regulating the cooling water flow through a variable number of spray nozzles in operation. The Desuperheater Nozzle is built to your specifications. This means the (Kv/Cv) value and the number of nozzles – 6 at the least, 9 at the most – will be calculated according to your specific process conditions. The Kiekens MNS is installed perpendicular in your pipeline system or desuperheater piping and can be coupled to an actuator and positioner of your preference. Installation is easy and does not require any specific tools.
They key feature of the Kiekens MNS Desuperheater is an integrated Temperate Control Valve (TCV), which secures a stable conditioned desuperheated steam flow temperature against a negligible steam side pressure drop. The cooling water flow is regulated inside the desuperheater body and injected through the desuperheater spray nozzle. Therefore, the liquid pressure remains constant, independently of the number of spray nozzles (Kv/Cv) in operation. Control of the spray nozzle opening is achieved by positioning the piston that is operated directly by the actuator, which is mounted onto the Desuperheater.
The Kiekens MNS Desuperheater is suitable for use in VHP/HP/MP/LP steam applications, such as power plants. The stainless-steel version of the Kiekens MNS is resilient to cryogenic temperatures and is therefore commonly used in LNG receiving, storage and regasification terminals. Furthermore, with this desuperheater nozzle liquified gases like ammonia, ethane, propane etc. can be injected in a gas line not only for temperature reduction, but also for creating a new gas mixture.
Are you interested in a Desuperheater Nozzle design? Just upload your datasheet to the contact form and Kiekens Desuperheater will get in touch for a custom Kiekens Desuperheater proposal made to your wishes and conditions.
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A Kiekens MNS desuperheater can be provided with an actuator/positioner/airfilter combination of any brand specified.
Nozzle spray head of insertion type desuperheater in a custom specified spool piece.
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